
Article title: 

Γρηγόριος Ξενόπουλος, «Η Φούρκα»: ατμόσφαιρα εφιάλτη με ήρωες παιδιά


The short story of Gregorios Xenopoulos ‘H Φούρκα’ (1903) seems to occupy a special place within the body of his work. The recording of an experience the writer had as a child takes a dark turn in the text, like a nightmare, which is amplified by the presence of children-protagonists. The main subject to discuss is the choice and the function of these narrative heroes as they do not correspond to commonly held perception of ‘childhood’. Another topic is the level of realistic representation, the writer’s ideology and the need of social criticism, the relation between the children’s conscience, which saw the facts, and adult’s conscience, which recreate them. All these indicate different kinds of interpretation and different reception of the text by potential readers.
