This Dialectic of Blood and Light: George Seferis – Philip Sherrard, An Exchange: 1946-1971

The correspondence of George Seferis and Philip Sherrard.
Edited by Denise Harvey.
416 pages, 23.5 x 15.5 cm, 2015
ISBN 978-960-7120-37-3 paper bound €22.00

The Seferis - Sherrard correspondence is not vast, but nevertheless revealing of both men's orientation, most particularly Sherrard's as he became increasingly interested in the Christian Orthodox East, and who simultaneously with his involvement in Greek literature and especially modern Greek poetry went on to write a number of important theological studies. Included with the correspondence are the texts that the two men sent to each other and three studies of Seferis's poetry written by Sherrard, the one published here for the first time. The book is introduced by the Emeritus Professor of Modern Greek at Oxford, Peter Mackridge, and the theologian Vincent Rossi, as well as by Sherrard himself in a text published here for the first time.

For further information about the volume and how to purchase it, click here.